Ever since I first participated in the Seattle Arts & Lectures/Seattle Public Library Book Bingo in 2020, I’ve been hooked on book bingo challenges… so much so that I’m planning to participate in at least four of them this year, three of which are already in-progress. I’ve been posting about each book I read for…
Book Blog
Tropetacular: Cross-Dressing Heroines
For this second edition of Tropetacular, I would like to talk about a lifelong favorite trope of mine, which can unfortunately have some very problematic permutations.
Book Review: The Conductors by Nicole Glover
The Conductors blends elements of fantasy, mystery, and history together to create something that feels like an urban fantasy, but set in the 19th century instead of the modern day.
Book Review: Scales and Sensibility by Stephanie Burgis
Scales and Sensibility is a regency romance which takes place in an England that will feel very much like the England of most regency romances (which is to say, historically accurate-ish but with a gloss of wishful thinking over everything). The main difference of course, is the presence of dragons.
Book Review: Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan
Daughter of the Moon Goddess is a recent release by debut author Sue Lynn Tan. It’s been getting some good buzz which means this is the right book for a lot of people. Unfortunately, I am not one of those people.
Tropetacular: Enemies to Lovers
In this monthly feature, I’ll examine popular book tropes, discuss whether or not they’re something I enjoy, and discuss the ways they can go right or spectacularly wrong.
Book Review: Little Thieves by Margaret Owen
It took me a bit to sit down and write this review because for the first few days after I read Little Thieves, I just wanted to do the Kermit arm flail.
The Best Books I Read in 2021
I read so many books in 2021! While some failed to wow me, most ranged from pretty good to amazing. It was honestly a great year for books, in my opinion.
How to Read 100 Books in 2022
Here are some tips to set you on the road to success for your 2022 reading goal.
Book Review: The Death of Jane Lawrence
One genre of horror that I usually do pretty well with is the gothic, and The Death of Jane Lawrence by Caitlin Starling is a recent release in a classic gothic mold. It has all of the requisite elements for a good gothic: