Entertainment Weekly called The Echo Wife “a trippy domestic thriller”, and while it is definitely a twist on the domestic thriller genre, it also has elements of science fiction and horror and even literary fiction. Oh, it is also, as I repeatedly told my spouse while I read, “so f*cked up”, but in a good way.
Book Blog
Book Review: Craft in the Real World by Matthew Salesses
Part of growing and maturing as a reader and especially as a book reviewer, is learning to understand the difference between writing that you don’t like, and writing that is bad. They’re frequently not the same thing. When I was a young reviewer, I was embarrassingly prone to knee-jerk reactions, labeling media as “good”, “bad”,…
Book Review: Girl, Serpent, Thorn
I’m going to try to keep my cool writing this review, but you can also just picture me grabbing you, the imagined reader of this post, by your lapels (I’m imagining you’re wearing something with lapels) and screaming “You have to read Girl, Serpent, Thorn!”
Let’s Talk About Novellas, Shall We?
I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with novellas. On the one hand, a lot of them are very good. On the other hand, they are all very short…
Book Review: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
Sometimes it’s good to give an author another chance. I read one of V. E. Schwab’s books a few years ago and despite the fact that it was a story type that I normally enjoy, it just completely failed to grab me. So I figured Schwab was just not an author for me and went…
Book Review: Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor
Nnedi Okorafor’s africanfuturist stories often explore what happens when humans encounter and are transformed by aliens. Remote Control is the latest such story, presented in the form of a short novella.
Book Review: The Greenhallow Duology by Emily Tesh
The Greenhallow Duology by Emily Tesh is a pair of novellas inspired by mythology and folklore, especially faerie lore.
Book Review: Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire
I should love Seanan McGuire’s Wayward Children series, and after reading the first book, I really thought I would. But now, 5 books in to the series, I think it’s time to drill down into why it doesn’t work for me.
How I Fell Back in Love with the Library
When I was a kid, I loved the idea of a library. A place you could go, and get books for free. What could be more magical? The town I lived in from ages 2-12 was so small we didn’t have our own library, so the Book Mobile would come to town, and that was…
Book Review: A Stranger in Olondria by Sofia Samatar
Have you ever enjoyed reading a book, but doubted the entire time that you were reading it whether you actually liked it?