Triple Sec by AJ Alexander is a romance about a bartender which actually, gets this, has scenes of the main character tending bar and coming up with new cocktail recipes.
Category: Book Reviews
Book Review: Evicted by Matthew Desmond
Housing is a human right. We all just want to find a home where we feel safe and can build a life worth living.
Book Review: A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. Kingfisher
Am I even capable of writing an intelligent review of a T. Kingfisher book? I feel like I turn into a caveman when talking about her works: “Book good. You read now!”
Book Review: Weird Women edited by Lisa Morton and Leslie S. Klinger
Sometimes, when choosing books for Book Bingo, I make bad decisions.
Book Review: The Book of (More) Delights by Ross Gay
An audiobook of essayettes is so perfect for shorter drives, because when each chapter is only a few minutes long, you don’t have to leave off mid-chapter and then try to remember where you were when you get back into the car.
Book Review: Navigational Entanglements by Aliette de Bodard
Sometimes a novella is just the right length, and sometimes it’s too short. Now you know that if that’s the line I’m opening with, this book was just too short to tell the story it wanted to tell.
Book Review: There Is No Ethan by Anna Akbari
I just don’t think this story is as compelling as the author thinks it is.
Book Review: Dear Body edited by Lea Bordier
Living in this world in a body that was assigned female at birth brings a lot of both challenges and delights, and Dear Body edited by Lea Bordier shares twelve stories of different AFAB experiences.
Book Review: The Friendship Study by Ruby Barrett
A lot of the romance I’ve read this year has leaned more in a rom-commy direction, so it was oddly refreshing to read The Friendship Study by Ruby Barrett and be hit with a heavy but not overwhelming amount of angst.
Book Review: Sheine Lende by Darcie Little Badger
If you liked Elatsoe, you’ll probably like this. If you felt Elatsoe was too slow-paced or otherwise had issues with this, I don’t think Sheine Lende will win you over.