Sometimes it’s nice to just sit down and write an uncomplicated review where I don’t have to analyze why a book didn’t work for me, or try to convert my absolute delight into coherent words.
Tag: book bingo 2024
Brick & Mortar Books Winter Book Bingo Recap
I guess since it’s May and the Seattle Arts & Lectures/Seattle Public Library Summer Book Bingo is starting next week, I should finally get around to recapping the Brick & Mortar Books 2024 Winter Reading Challenge Book Bingo.
Book Review: All About Love by bell hooks
I’ve put off writing this review for weeks because I don’t want to be the bad feminist who says she didn’t enjoy reading bell hooks.
Book Review: Bad Dog by Harlan Weaver
Our ideas of what makes a good life for a dog are often based on our ideas of what makes a good life for a human, and those in turn are often based on white supremacist, patriarchal, and capitalist ideas.
Book Review: A Botanical Daughter by Noah Medlock
As you might have guessed from the title, A Botanical Daughter by Noah Medlock is about Frankensteining up a monster out of plants and mushrooms.
Book Review: So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
I think this book is really approachable, because Oluo uses accessible language, her real-life experiences, and examples of how we can be better.
Book Review: Pinocchio (abridged) by Carlo Collodi
I’ve never read the entire original Pinocchio. I’ve watched the Disney movie, and I seem to recall reading some excerpts or short versions of the original story, and I had heard that the full thing was a lot weirder and darker than the Disney movie (as is usually the case), but friends, I was not prepared for how weird and dark it was.
Book Review: Non-Binary Lives Essay Collection
If you’re looking for a few dozen snapshots of some of the different ways to be non-binary and the various experiences that can come with it, then check out Non-Binary Lives, edited by Jos Twist, Ben Vincent, Meg-John Barker, and Kat Gupta.
Book Review: Projections by S.E. Porter
Projections is too long. And the weird thing is, every scene does serve to either reveal something about the characters or advance the story in some way, but it still feels like it drags on.
Book Review: We Are Not Strangers by Josh Tuininga
As I’ve said before, I like doing Book Bingo challenges because they help me discover books I might not have read otherwise. For example, We Are Not Strangers by Josh Tuininga.