The book felt like nothing as I was reading it, and I suspect two months from now, I’ll see the title on my reading log and have to struggle to remember what book it even was.
Tag: book reviews
Book Review: Homewaters by David B. Williams
Because I believe that anything I love is worth learning more about, I borrowed Homewaters by David B. Williams from the library.
Book Review: Motheater by Linda H. Codega
What I liked most about this book, besides the fact that it’s queer, is that it’s complicated.
Book Review: Flamboyants by George M. Johnson and Charly Palmer
This is a beautiful little book with the subtitle of “The queer Harlem Renaissance I wish I’d known” and it’s all about Black LGBTQIA+ artists and thinkers.
Book Review: Do I Know You? by Sadie Dingfelder
Dingfelder takes us along on her midlife crisis where instead of blowing up her marriage and buying a fast car, she participates in all sorts of studies to discover what’s up with her brain.
Book Review: Death of the Author by Nnedi Okorafor
I think I even purchased Who Fears Death at a Borders, that’s how long I’ve been struggling with this author.
Book Review: Welcome to Dorley Hall by Alyson Greaves
There’s never been a better time to read queer books, so let me tell you about this great bit of trans fiction I read recently.
Book Review: The Message by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Oddly, this was actually my first Ta-Nehisi Coates book!
Book Review: Why We Read by Shannon Reed
I’m not sure I’ve ever had a more uneven experience reading a book!
Book Review: That Librarian by Amanda Jones
We hear a lot about these attacks on books. But what about the attacks on the people defending the books?