Sister Snake is a book about family and what it means to be human, but it’s also a super queer book.
Tag: queer fiction
Book Review: Murder in the Dressing Room by Holly Stars
When I saw Murder in the Dressing Room by Holly Stars cross my social media feed, I figured it would be a great way to support a queer debut author while ticking some boxes.
Book Review: Motheater by Linda H. Codega
What I liked most about this book, besides the fact that it’s queer, is that it’s complicated.
Book Review: Welcome to Dorley Hall by Alyson Greaves
There’s never been a better time to read queer books, so let me tell you about this great bit of trans fiction I read recently.
Book Review: The 7-10 Split by Karmen Lee
This book looked so cute. Sure, I’m not in to sport romances, but I could get into the idea of former high school friends turned bowling rivals turned co-coaches of the next generation’s bowling team at their alma mater.
Book Review: The Sapling Cage by Margaret Killjoy
The Sapling Cage by Margaret Killjoy will probably be a real nostalgic read for anyone who, like me, spent the late 90s and early 00s reading the likes of Raymond Feist, Robert Jordan, and Tamora Pierce.
Book Review: Model Home by Rivers Solomon
This is a well-written, well-paced, thought-provoking book which is also probably the most disturbing and joyless thing I’ve read all year.
Book Review: Two Romance Novels and SBTB Recap
I have not had the bandwidth to write reviews for the past month and a half, so please enjoy these two short reviews.
Book Review: Love at 350° by Lisa Peers
I love a good slow burn, but Tori and Kendra spend so little time together on the page, that when their happy ending finally arrived, I wasn’t particularly convinced by or invested in it.
Book Review: A Letter to the Luminous Deep by Sylvie Cathrall
This novel is pure epistolary; while some books advertised as epistolaries intersperse more narrative chapters between the correspondence, everything in this book happens in a letter or other communication.